In 1972, one of the world’s most treasured masterpieces, Michelangelo’s Pietà, resting in St. Peter’s Cathedral at the Vatican, was viciously attacked. A distressed man, consumed by his own turmoil, damaged this exquisite sculpture, leaving it shattered and broken. The world watched in shock as one of the greatest expressions of love and beauty—the image of a mother cradling her son—lay in pieces.
Now, when something like that happens, when such a priceless creation is damaged, what did they do? Did they throw it away? Did they say, “Oh, it’s too broken, too far gone, it’s ruined”? Absolutely not. They gathered the finest minds, the best sculptors, the most skilled restorers from around the world. They spared no expense—millions of dollars, top laboratories, every tool, every resource—because that sculpture was too valuable, too precious to be left broken.
If we, as humans, can treasure an inanimate creation like that and spend whatever it takes to restore it to its original beauty, how much more does God treasure you and me? The Bible says in Ephesians 2:10, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus.” And even when life knocks us down, even when we make mistakes and feel broken inside, God never gives up on us. He is the ultimate Restorer.
When we come to Him with our brokenness, when we confess our sins and lay our hearts bare before Him, God doesn’t cast us aside. He takes what’s broken, what’s worn down, and what seems beyond repair, and He breathes new life into it. He heals the cracks in our hearts. He mends the broken pieces of our souls. And He restores us to something even more beautiful than before.
So, no matter what you’ve been through, no matter how shattered you may feel, remember you are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus. And when you place your life in His hands, He will make you more beautiful, more radiant, more powerful than you ever thought possible. Trust the process. Trust the Restorer. And watch Him do what only He can do.