Ten years ago, in 2015, I was standing at a crossroads—ready to move to the United States to serve the Armenian Church in Belleville, Illinois. But deep down, I was struggling. I had been serving as the acting Primate in France, and the idea of moving to what seemed like a smaller, quieter parish wasn’t easy. Honestly, part of me resisted the call.
One evening, I sat alone, weighed down by my doubts. That’s when one of our senior clergymen came to see me. I poured out my doubts to him, and he responded with words that I’ll never forget: “It doesn’t matter how big or small the church is. Those people need you, and even more, you need them.”
Those words didn’t just comfort me; they reminded me of a powerful truth from God’s Word: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10). God is not focused on the size of the crowd, the title on your door, or the grandeur of the position. He’s looking for faithfulness. He’s looking for hearts willing to say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”
When I arrived in Belleville, I found something extraordinary. It wasn’t the size of the church that mattered—it was the heart of the people. That parish, filled with faithful, dedicated believers, taught me what it truly means to serve. They showed me that ministry isn’t about recognition or status; it’s about love, sacrifice, and walking alongside one another in faith.
And then, seven years later, God opened a door I never could have foreseen. I was elected to be the Bishop of the Eastern Diocese of The Armenian Church of America. Looking back, I see how God was preparing me all along. He used that season in Belleville to shape me, to grow me, and to teach me to trust Him more deeply and to love his people dearly.
Friends, you might be facing a decision or an opportunity that feels small or insignificant. Remember, God sees you right where you are. He knows every detail of your journey, and He’s not measuring your success by the world’s standards. If you remain faithful in the small things, God will use that season to shape and prepare you for greater things ahead. When we’re faithful with little, He will trust us with much!
Trust the call that is from God and He knows you