“When we act kindly, the systems in our brain associated with reward light up, the same ones active when we eat chocolate. They make us want to do that same awesome thing again,” writes Jamil Zaki, a professor of psychology at Stanford.
Isn’t that interesting? That same warm, joyful feeling you get when you savor a piece of chocolate is the feeling your brain rewards you with when you do something kind. It’s like God designed us to be kind, to love, to care, and then gave us a little treat every time we do!
When we show kindness, we are stepping into the very nature of God. We are reflecting His love, His compassion, and His heart. And just like chocolate makes us want more, kindness makes us want to keep spreading that goodness. The more we do it, the more we want to do it again.
Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When you give a smile, when you offer a helping hand, when you speak a kind word, it not only blesses the other person, but it refreshes you. It lights up something inside of you, something that God put there, so you can keep spreading love in a world that desperately needs it.
God has created us to be a blessing. We weren’t designed just to receive; we were made to give. We’re at our best when we’re looking for ways to lift others up, when we’re taking the time to encourage someone who’s down, or lending a hand to someone who’s struggling. And here’s the amazing part: when you refresh others, God makes sure that you’re refreshed. When you pour out, He pours back in. When you bless, He blesses you even more.
So today, go out and be kind. Light up someone’s day. Give them a reason to smile. And don’t just do it once—make it a habit. The more you do, the more your brain, your spirit, and your heart will crave it. Being kind will light you up, it will lift you up, and it will bless you and everyone around you. And that, my friends, is the sweetest reward.