There is a town in the far north of Norway where, every January 18, after months of darkness, the people gather on a hill. They stand together in the cold, straining their eyes toward the horizon. At first, all they see is a little rim of light, just a small sliver on the horizon. But as they look at that little glimmer of light, their hearts fill with joy. Why? Because they know that it’s only the beginning. In the days to come, the sun will rise higher and brighter, bathing their world in warmth and light once again.
Isn’t that a picture of how God works in our lives? Sometimes, all we see is the faintest glimmer of hope, a small rim of His promises beginning to break through the darkness. You’ve been praying for peace in your family, healing in your body, or a breakthrough in your career, and it feels like it’s been nighttime for so long. And it feels like nothing is changing.
But if you look closely, you’ll see the rim of the sunrise. You’ll see a glimmer of light on the horizon. It may not be the full sun yet, but it’s a sign—a sign that God is on the move, that His promises are on their way, and that your breakthrough is closer than you think.
The Bible says in Malachi 4:2, "But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays." Notice it says the sun will rise—it doesn’t say it might rise or that it could rise. No, it will rise. God’s promises are as sure as the sunrise. That little rim of light is just the beginning.
That’s what faith is all about. It’s about standing on that hill in the cold, looking toward the horizon, and saying, “I may not see the full sunrise yet, but I know it’s coming. I know my God is faithful. I know His promises are true.”
So, climb your hill, friends. Lift your eyes to the horizon. Don’t focus on the darkness around you; focus on the light that’s breaking through. The Sun of Righteousness is rising with healing in His rays, with joy in His presence, and with new beginnings in His power.
Standing always on the promises of God and able tto see the glimmer of light.