In 2020, during the Artsakh war, I was in Armenia. One evening, as we gathered around a dinner table with friends, the weight of uncertainty seemed to fill the room. We spoke about Artsakh, about the future of Armenia, and you could feel the heaviness in the air. Questions without answers, doubt etched on every face—it was one of those moments when the world feels overwhelming, and the future seems clouded.
And then, something beautiful happened. My friend’s four-year-old son burst into the room holding a tiny puppy he had found in the backyard. Instantly, the entire atmosphere shifted. Every eye turned to the little boy and his furry companion. Smiles replaced furrowed brows. It was as though light had pierced the darkness, reminding us that even in the midst of turmoil, joy could still find its way in.
Now, that boy and his puppy didn’t change the realities we were facing. The challenges didn’t vanish. But what God revealed in that moment was this: no matter how heavy the burdens of life may feel, He has a way of breaking through the darkness with His light. He knows how to lift the burdens, restore joy, and renew your hope.
Here’s the key: we must be open to seeing those moments of joy. It’s easy to get so consumed by what’s wrong that we miss the beauty of what God is doing right in front of us. It may not be a puppy for you; it might be a phone call from a friend, a kind word from a stranger, or the sound of a child’s laughter. These are God’s reminders that His joy is still alive and available.
The Bible says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). That joy isn’t dependent on perfect circumstances. It’s supernatural. It shows up when you need it most—like a light in the middle of a dark night. His joy strengthens you, giving you the power to keep moving forward, and to keep trusting.
So lift your head, look for God’s light in the small, unexpected moments. Let His joy break through your worries, your fears, and your doubts. Because even in the darkest times, there’s always a reason to smile, to hope, and to trust in His goodness. God is still working, and His joy is still your strength.
God will never instill fear and worry in you. That all comes from external forces- the world we live in serves up a good dose of fear and doubt-, not God. So remember that next time you are facing something: it is only worldly influences that are worrying you and if God is for you, who can be [succeed] against you
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Each day "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Joy is a gift from God.
Joy possible in all circumstances. Expect joy, help create joy for others!!!
How about those Christians who pretend there is no suffering? Those who have suffered and emerged with the help of God's grace know what He has said is true. "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Then there are those who walk by and offer the distortion which is , you are not suffering. They call themselves Christians, but are they?