Yesterday, we witnessed something remarkable: the Opening of the Doors at the new sanctuary of the Armenian Church at Hye Pointe, MA. What a moment that was! As we knelt before those doors, something stirred in my spirit. It was as if heaven itself was inviting us, calling us to step closer, to come deeper into God’s presence. It felt like the start of a new chapter in our faith, one where doors of blessing, doors of hope, are now wide open for us all.
As we sang the hymn, “Bats Mez Der,” we lifted a prayer straight from our souls, “Open to us, Lord, the door of Your mercy.” We asked God to open the door of His grace, to draw us into a space filled with His mercy, His light, and His love. And here’s the amazing truth: when we come before God in humility, when we approach Him in faith, He listens. He responds. He opens doors that no one can close.
We all face times when it seems like doors are shut all around us. We’re working hard, we’re praying, but nothing seems to happen. Sometimes, it even feels like doors are slammed in our faces—a friend walks away, a person betrays us, an unexpected diagnosis shakes us. It can feel like those doors are permanently locked, like there’s no way forward.
In Revelation 3:8, Jesus gives us this promise: “I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” When God opens a door in our lives, no power, no challenge, no force in this world or the next can close it. That door of mercy, that door of grace and forgiveness—it’s open wide for each of us. It’s God’s precious gift to us, an invitation into the fullness of His love, His purpose, His peace.
Maybe you’ve been knocking on doors for healing, for restoration, for new beginnings. Maybe you’ve been waiting for that sign, that breakthrough, that answer. This new sanctuary, this door God has opened, is a reminder that He hears every cry, every prayer, every whisper of our hearts. And He is faithful to respond.