When you squeeze an orange, what comes out? Orange juice! Not apple juice, not grape juice—only orange juice. Why? Because that’s what’s inside. It’s consistent every single time. The pressure doesn’t create what comes out; it only reveals what’s already there.
Life has a way of squeezing us. We face pressures, challenges, and people who don’t always treat us the way we’d like. But here’s the question: What comes out of you when life puts the squeeze on you? When someone says something hurtful to you, when you’re criticized, overlooked, or mistreated, what comes out of you? Is it anger, frustration, bitterness? Is it anxiety or fear?
Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” What’s in your heart will come out under pressure. If there’s anger, resentment, or unforgiveness tucked away, it’s going to show up when you’re squeezed. But if your heart is filled with love, peace, and forgiveness, then that’s what will flow out—even in the tough times.
We can’t control what others do or say, but we can control what we carry in our hearts. Life will always have challenges. People will say the wrong thing. Situations will catch us off guard. We might say, “Well, it’s their fault! They made me mad!” But the truth is, just like the orange, the squeeze only reveals what’s already inside of us.
So, how do we make sure what’s inside is good? It starts with what we’re feeding our hearts. Is it with things that uplift, inspire, and draw you closer to God? Or are you allowing negativity, doubt, and fear to take root? Just like a healthy body requires nourishing food, a healthy spirit thrives on the Word of God, prayer, and surrounding yourself with faithful, encouraging people.
The Bible says in Galatians 5:22-23, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” When you let the Holy Spirit fill your heart, those fruits will grow in you. And when life puts the squeeze on you, guess what comes out? Love instead of anger, peace instead of frustration, kindness instead of bitterness.
So, guard your heart, fill it with the right things, and let God’s love overflow in every circumstance.
Yes, yes. "To live in love and charity to all" and forgivmg all just as we in Christ are forgiven.