“If we die, will we live again?” (Job 14:14)
Generations have asked this question, pondering the mysteries of life and death. It’s a question that echoes through centuries, touching the hearts and minds of every human being. In the book of Job, this question is posed during a time of immense suffering and uncertainty. Job, who faced unimaginable trials, was searching for hope, for assurance that life doesn’t end with our last breath.
Even today, people are searching for answers to this question. There’s an entire industry where people have their bodies frozen after they pass away, hoping that future technology will bring them back to life. They’re chasing after the resurrection, seeking hope beyond the grave.
Job’s question wasn’t left unanswered. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, gave us the definitive answer. He conquered death and rose from the grave! The empty tomb in Jerusalem is a testament to life after death. Jesus’ resurrection is the ultimate proof that we shall live again!
Winston Churchill, the great British Prime Minister, prearranged his own funeral. It was a grand ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. When they said the last benediction, he had arranged for a bugler, high in the cathedral dome on one side, to play “Taps,” the universal signal that the day was over. And then, after a long pause, a bugler on the other side of the dome played “Reveille,” the signal that a new day was beginning. Churchill was sending a powerful message: while we say “Good night” here on earth, it’s “Good morning” in heaven!
Friends, this is our hope. Death is not the end; it’s a transition. Jesus has promised us eternal life. In John 11:25-26, He says, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” That’s a promise we can hold onto.
So, let’s live our lives with the assurance that we have eternal life in Christ. Let’s embrace the abundant life He offers us here and now and look forward to the glorious life that awaits us in eternity, a life filled with His love, peace, and joy.
Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan