I. Common Prayers of the Armenian Church
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory.
for ever and ever.
(Matthew 6.9-13)
Before Dawn
O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise (Psalm 50:17). Blessed be the consubstantial, united and indivisible Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, world without end. Amen.
From the Book of Hourly Prayers of the Armenian Apostolic Church - Night Service
For Travellers
O Lord, lead us unto the paths of peace. O Lord, lead our souls and those of all believers unto the paths of righteousness and eternal life.
Guide us, O lord our God, and teach us to walk in thy paths of righteousness. Keep our lives in peace, and our ways pleasing in thy sight. Guide thy servants on their earthly and heavenly course along thy paths of purity unto thine eternal life through the grace of thine only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who became our prince of life and the hope of our salvation, with whom thou art blessed, O Father Almighty, together with thy lifegiving and liberating Holy Spirit, now and forever, world without end. Amen.
From the Book of Hourly Prayers of the Armenian Apostolic Church - Sunrise Service
On Beginning Work
Lord, may Your loving favour rest upon us and prosper all the work we undertake.
From the Gandzasar Prayer book
Prayer Before Meals
Let us in peace eat this food which the Lord hath provided for us. Blessed be the Lord in His gifts. Amen.
From the Book of Hourly Prayers of the Armenian Apostolic Church, "Meals Blessing"
Thanksgiving After Meals
Let us give thanks and glory to the nourisher of the universe
who didst nourish and fill us. To Him be glory forever. Amen.
For The Sick
Dispel the pain and heal the sickness of thy people, Lord our God and grant to all perfect health by the sign of thine all-conquering cross through which thou removed the weakness of mankind and condemned the enemy of our life and salvation. Thou art our life and salvation, beneficent and all merciful God, who alone can forgive us our sins and remove diseases and sickness from us, to whom are known our needs and necessities. Bestower of gifts, grant thy bounteous mercy to thy creatures according to their individual needs, through whom thy Holy Trinity is always glorified and praised, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.
Book of Hourly Prayers of the Armenian Apostolic Church - Sixth Hour Service
Before Sleep
Christ, Guardian of all,
May your right hand be upon me
Both day and night,
while at home and traveling,
While sleeping and awake,
So that I may never falter.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
From the works of St. Nerses the Graceful "I CONFESS WITH FAITH"
Prayer Against Troubles
Provider of all creation, by the sign of your cross,
Keep my soul and my body from the bonds of sin,
From the temptation of demons,
And from unjust men,
And from all dangers of the soul and the body.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
From the works of St. Nerses the Graceful "I CONFESS WITH FAITH"
Prayer Before Work
Jesus, wisdom of the Father, grant me the wisdom
To always think, speak and do that which is good in your sight.
Deliver me from evil thoughts, words and deeds.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
From the works of St. Nerses the Graceful "I CONFESS WITH FAITH"
Leaving The Church
Heavenly King, preserve your Church unshaken, and keep the worshippers of your name in peace.
From the Divine Liturgy Of The Armenian Church
II. "I Confess With Faith" by St. Nerses Shnorhali
One of the most noble and saintly leaders of the Armenian Church, and a great literary figure in Armenian Ecclesiastical Literature is Nerses, surnamed Shnorhali, "The Graceful," born in 1100 A.D. He was consecrated a bishop when he was thirty-five years old. In 1165 Nerses was elected to the office of Catholicos of All Armenians, (Nerses IV) and remained in office until his death in 1173. One of the most popular of his works is a prayer, consisting of twenty-four verses, beginning with the words, "I confess with faith". It has been translated into 32 languages.
I confess with faith and worship You,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Uncreated and immortal nature,
Creator of angels, men and all that exists.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
I confess with faith and worship You,
Indivisible Light, unified Holy Trinity and one Godhead,
Creator of light and dispeller of darkness,
Drive out the darkness of sin and ignorance from my soul,
And illuminate my mind at this hour, so that I may offer pleasing prayers to you,
And receive from you the fulfillment of my requests.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Heavenly Father, true God,
Who sent your beloved Son to seek out the lost sheep.
I have sinned against heaven and before you.
Receive me as the prodigal son,
And clothe me with my former garment, of which I was deprived by sin.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Son of God, true God,
Who descended from the bosom of the Father,
And took on flesh from the holy virgin Mary for our salvation,
Who was crucified, buried and rose from the dead,
And ascended with glory to the Father.
I have sinned against heaven and before you.
Remember me as you did the penitent thief when you come with your kingdom.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Spirit of God, true God,
Who descended on the river Jordan and the Upper Room,
And enlightened me through the baptism of the holy font.
I have sinned against heaven and before you.
Cleanse me once more with your divine fire,
As the tongues of flame cleansed the Holy Apostles.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Uncreated Nature, I have sinned against you
With my mind, soul and body,
Remember not my former sins, for the sake of your holy name.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Seer of all, I have sinned against you
In thought, word and deed.
Erase the record of my transgressions,
And write my name in the book of life.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Searcher of secrets, I have sinned against you
Willingly and unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly,
Grant forgiveness to me who sins,
Since from my baptism of the holy font through today
I have sinned before your Divinity with my senses and all members of my body.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
All-provident Lord, place your holy awe as a guardian
On my eyes, so that I may not look askance,
And on my ears, to not take pleasure in hearing wicked words,
And on my mouth, to not speak falsehood,
And on my heart, to not think evil thoughts,
And on my hands, to not commit injustice,
And on my feet, to not walk on the paths of lawlessness.
Rather, guide my motions and movements
According to your commandments in all things.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Christ, the living fire,
Tremble me with the fire of your love,
Which you dispersed over the earth.
That it may burn the impurities of my soul,
And cleanse my conscience and mind,
And purge the sins from my body,
And ignite the light of your knowledge in my heart.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Jesus, wisdom of the Father, grant me the wisdom
To always think, speak and do that which is good in your sight.
Deliver me from evil thoughts, words and deeds.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Benevolent Lord, Who wills all that is good,
Do not let me go astray by pursuing my own desires,
Rather guide me to always walk according to your benevolent and loving will.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Heavenly King, grant me your kingdom
Which was promised to your loved ones,
And reinforce my heart to hate sin,
And to love only you, and to do your will.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Provider of all creation, by the sign of your cross,
Keep my soul and my body from the bonds of sin,
From the temptation of demons,
And from unjust men,
And from all dangers of the soul and the body.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Christ, Guardian of all,
May your right hand be upon me
Both day and night,
while at home and traveling,
While sleeping and awake,
So that I may never falter.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
My God, who opens your hand and fills all creation with your mercy.
I surrender myself to you.
Care and provide the necessities for my soul and body,
From this time forth for evermore.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Finder of the lost,
Turn me from my evil ways to good ones,
And imprint on my soul the dreadful day of death,
the fear of hell and the love of your kingdom,
That I may repent my sins, and do that which is righteous.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Fountainhead of immortality,
Cause my heart to pour out tears of repentance
Like those of Mary Magdalene,
That I may wash away my sins
Prior to departing from this world.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Grantor of mercy,
Grant that I should approach you
With the true faith, with good works
And the communion of your holy body and blood,
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Benevolent Lord, entrust me to the care of the good angel,
To sweetly deliver my soul
And guard it to pass undisturbed through the wickedness of evil spirits
who dwell below the heavens.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Christ the True Light, make my soul worthy
To see the light of your glory with joy on the day of my calling,
And to rest with the hope of good things in the house of the righteous,
Until the day of your great coming.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Righteous Judge, when you come at the chosen hour
with the glory of the Father to judge the living and the dead,
Do not pass sentence on your servant.
Rather save me from the eternal fire,
And make me worthy to hear the blessed call of the righteous
to your heavenly kingdom.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
All-merciful Lord, have mercy on all who believe in you,
My family and others,
Those known to me and unknown, those living and those dead.
Grant also forgiveness to my enemies and those who hate me
for the wrongs they have committed against me
And turn them from the malice which they bear for me
to become worthy of your compassion.
Have mercy upon your creation,
And on me, a manifold sinner.
Glorious Lord, hear the appeals of your servant,
And fulfill my requests that are deemed good,
Through the intercession of the Holy Mother of God,
And John the Baptist, and Saint Stephen the Protomartyr,
And Saint Gregory our Illuminator,
And the Holy Apostles, Prophets, Doctors of the Church,
Martyrs, Patriarchs, Hermits, Virgins
And all your saints in heaven and on earth.
And to you, the indivisible Holy Trinity, is glory and worship,
Forever and ever. Amen.
III. Powerful Prayers from St. Gregory of Narek
Prayer 12
Speaking with God from the Depths of the Heart
Now for my many humiliations
my head bowed in shame
my lips locked with embarrassment
my tongue not daring to move
I resort again to intoning supplications,
mournful sobs and cries, offered on high.
Accept with sweetness almighty Lord my bitter prayers.
Look with pity upon my mournful face.
Dispel, all-bestowing God, my shameful sadness.
Lift, merciful God, my unbearable burden.
Cast off, potent God, my mortal habits.
Spoil, triumphant God, my wayward pleasures.
Dissipate, exalted God, my wanton fog.
Block, life-giving God, my destructive ways.
Undo, secret-seeing God, my evil entrapments.
Fend off, inscrutable God, my assailants.
Inscribe your name on the skylight of my abode.
Cover the roof of my temple with your hand.
Mark the threshold of my cell with your blood.
Imprint the outside of my door with your sign.
Protect the mat where I rest with your right hand.
Keep my cot pure from all seductions.
Preserve my suffering soul by your will.
Steady the breath of life you have given my flesh.
Surround me with your heavenly host.
Post them on watch against the battalion of demons.
Grant blissful rest
like the slumber of death
in the depth of this night
through the intercession of the Holy Mother of
God and the elect.
Firmly close the windows of sight,
sentient faculty of the mind,
with impregnable fortifications
against the waves of anxiety,
the cares of daily life,
nightmares, frenzy, hallucinations,
and protected by the memory of your hope
to wake again from the heaviness of sleep
into alert wakefulness and
soul-renewing cheerfulness
to stand before you
raising my prayerful voice
in harmony with the heavenly choirs of praise
with the fragrance of faith,
to you in heaven, all blessed king,
whose glory is beyond telling.
For you are glorified by all creation
forever and ever.
Prayer 41
Speaking with God from the Depths of the Heart
Son of the living God, blessed in all things,
whose awesome birth by your Father passes
all understanding,
for whom nothing is impossible,
before the dawning of the uneclipsed rays of the mercy of your glory
sins melt away, demons flee, transgressions are erased,
bindings are cut and chains undone.
The dead are born again, infirmities are cured,
wounds are healed, corruption is cleansed,
sadness withdraws, sighs retreat,
darkness flees, fog departs,
twilight vanishes, darkness lifts, the night passes,
alarm is banished, evil is destroyed, despair is exiled.
And your omnipotent hand rules, redeemer of all.
You who came not to destroy our mortal souls, but to give them life,3
forgive my countless wrongs with your abundant mercy.
For you alone are in heaven beyond words, and on earth beyond understanding,
in the substance of existence unto the ends of the earth,
the beginning of everything and the completion of
everything in all ways, blessed in the highest.
Glory forever to you
with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer 94
Speaking with God from the Depths of the Heart
Eternal God, almighty, doer of good,
creator of light and inventor of night,1
life in death and light in the darkness,2
hope for the expectant and patient with the doubters,
who with your ingenious wisdom
turns the darkness of death into morning,3
dawn that does not dim, sun that does not set.4
The dark of the night is not able to cover the glory
of your Lordship, before which all creation
kneels constantly in worship,
those in heaven and on earth, and those confined in hell.5
You who hear the sighs of those who are bound,
and who attend to the prayers of the humble,
and receive their supplications,
my God and my king,
my life and my refuge,
my hope and my confidence,
Jesus Christ, O God of all,
holiness that dwells in the souls of the saints,
consolation for the afflicted and pardon for sinners,
you who know all things before they happen,
send the protective strength of your right hand
and save me from the terror of the night and
evil demons, so that always embracing your awesome
memory and your holy name
on the lips of my soul and with the desires of my breath,
I might be saved and protected along with those
who call to you with all their hearts.6
And by the seal of the sign of your cross,
which you renewed by staining it with your divine blood,
and by the same grace of your fatherhood,
with which you baptized us,7
and in the glory of your image, in which you fashioned and created us,8
with these divine gifts,
may Satan be confounded and his machinations foiled,
may his snares be removed and his forces be defeated,
may his sharp edged weapons be ineffective,
may his fog be lifted, his darkness dispelled, his
shadow withdrawn.
May your arm shield me and your right hand seal me,
for you are compassionate and merciful,
and your servants are called by your name.9
To you with the Father and your Holy Spirit,
glory and power forever and ever.