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  • Writer's pictureBishop Mesrop Parsamyan

Hope Against Hope

The Apostle Paul speaks of Abraham's faith, saying: "Hoping against hope, he believed.” Through this faith, Abraham became the inheritor of God's promises. Initially, there was no doubt that Abraham was afraid of God's promises.

God had vowed to bless Abraham and make him the father of many nations, even though he had no children. With each passing year, this promise seemed more and more implausible. Abraham even attempted to address the issue of paternity through human means, seeking to have a child through his servant (Genesis 16).

But as the Apostle Paul notes: "He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was already as good as dead, and the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, being fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. Therefore “it was reckoned to him as righteousness.”" (Romans 4:19-22).

God's promises start in a similar way in our lives. In the Holy Scriptures, God offers many promises to grant us happiness, eternal life, answers to our prayers, fulfillment of the deepest desires of our hearts, the inheritance of His Son, Jesus Christ, and much more. When the years go by without the realization of these promises, we may start to question God's reliability.

In such situations, like Abraham, we might attempt to resolve matters according to our own understanding. We forget that, in those moments, we should believe through the virtue of hope, for "the words, “it was reckoned to him,” were written not for his sake alone but for ours also. It will be reckoned to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, 25 who was handed over for our trespasses and was raised for our justification." (Romans 4:23-25).

Those who live in the hope of God's word and trust in His promises, even in the most hopeless circumstances, will receive God's blessings abundantly. For our God is a faithful God, always keeping His promises to His children. May all glory be unto Him, now and always. Amen.

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