Resurrection morning begins with a panting and heavy race through the sleeping city. Mary Magdalene runs to tell the apostles about the disappearance of the Lord Jesus' body, announcing, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.” (John 20:2).
An incomprehensible desire arises in the hearts of the apostles. Peter and the disciple whom the Lord Jesus loved take turns joining the race, rushing to the grave with all their might. "The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first." (John 20:4).
This is the first sign of the new creation: the stumbling block to hope is set aside, the tomb is empty, and the race between darkness and light, despair and hope, begins.
The Risen Jesus Christ calls us to "run" from the darkness of despair to the bright light of the Garden of Resurrection. He also calls us to bring the life-giving hope and healing that comes from that light to all those who still languish in the darkness of unbelief and despair.
Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan