Today is Great and Holy Saturday, and we sing our resurrectional hymn: “CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD! He trampled down death by death, and by His Resurrection, He granted life unto us.”
This is what we celebrate on Zadig: the day of Resurrection, the day of Salvation, the day of the ultimate victory of life over death, good over evil, hope over despair, light over darkness, and joy over sadness!
Today is a day for new beginnings! The good news of our Lord’s glorious Resurrection offers each of us an opportunity to see life from a fundamentally new perspective and begin life with a fresh and new start!
With Christ’s Resurrection, everything was made new again, and everything was restored! From that point on, the question posed to every human being has been whether or not to participate in this restoration.
If we choose to participate and really take part in Christ’s Resurrection, our perspective on life radically changes! We can never remain discouraged; we can never lose hope, and we can never despair, for we know that Christ is Risen and He has defeated evil. He has overcome sin. He has annihilated death itself! Through His Resurrection, He has given us new and eternal life.