November is the season of the year when the leaves are at the peak of their fall color here in Illinois and the signs of fall are all around—pumpkins, mums, and turkeys. This is a season of thanksgiving when we believers give thanks to God for the many blessings we have received, not just in the past year, but for all of our lives.
Our Divine Liturgy is full of thanksgiving. Every Sunday in the Armenian Church throughout the world choir and faithful sing:
“In all things blessed are you, O Lord.
We bless you, we praise you;
We give thanks to you;
We pray to you, O Lord our God”.
Indeed, God is to be thanked in all things, because in steadfast love God has redeemed, called and gathered the people from all parts of the earth. In God's steadfast love for us, Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose to save us from sin and open the gates to eternal life. For Jesus' sake, we are assured of eternal life in the heavenly court of God.
One way to think of our everlasting life may be as a constant Thanksgiving Day. We will be surrounded by those we love and by the steadfast love of God. We will be enjoying the feast which has no end. We will be celebrating and giving thanks to the one who has loved us and redeemed us and given all that we need and all that we have. God is to be thanked because God's steadfast love endures forever.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your loved ones always. Happy Thanksgiving!